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A gem about to be shredded

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Larry Lyke

Senior Member
Feb 2, 2002
I just have to pass this along on its way to the ethereal shredder of what once was:

[UWs can say and do the cutest things]

Quoted word for word from a 1994 loan Condition Sheet:

"Appr to clarify if subject has sliding door visible in back photo or if this is a window."

You're making a big mistake. You're not supposed to read those old files, it's against the rules :roll:. You never know what you're gonna find. I have made this mistake in the past and had reason to ask myself "what were you thinking?". Not a pretty picture. Hopefully, we are all better at what we do now than we were 7 years ago. Never look back.

George Hatch
My response written on a full-sized legal page Addendum was:

"It's a sliding door."

Could hardly contain myself. Being so bold as to answer the question with a short sentence, just like a grown-up.

The photo was so clear. There was no deck on this sliding door. The UW could have asked other questions, like does it have a lock to keep kids from opening it and falling to their death. But no.

As you might guess, I'm doing routine shredding, but just CAN't resist peeking at any appraisal that received a UW response of any kind.
:lol: :lol:

I'm not sure if that beats the frantic LO that insisted that I remove Mudroom from the other category on the room list. She said that the underwriter rejected the loan because there was a "mud" "room" in the house, and they didn't think that was marketable. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The ditsey LO screamed at me "Why would your even say that! ?"

Makes you wonder the age and experience level of UWs and LOs!

Wonder what UW pays? I know I could do that!
Larry - never read old appraisals! Remember that whenever you discover an error in an old appraisal report that is within the time required for you to retain your appraisal file that you are required to file a complaint against yourself (read Standards Rule 1-6(b)). Failure to file such a complaint is a violation of Standards Rule 2-5(a).

Oregon Doug
I guess reading old appraisals just might come under old Sachel Page's words of wisdom:

Never look back. They may be gaining on you.

Then you have to spend time trying to figure out who "they" is.
Since there was no deck.....it could be said, it was not a door. One might have also said ..."It is an oversized sliding window, mounted at floor level", which is also a correct statement. I guess the real trick here was knowing beforehand what response they wanted to hear. Oh well.
In one way I was being cute right back to the UW.

BUT, as amazing was the fact that my cuteness must have balanced the scale. I never heard another peep. Here's this whole page of white space with a tiny blurb on it with a date and signature. Oh well...

The Lender hand wrote a note on the faxed Condition Sheet when they sent it to me. "This UW must really be tweaking you."

I figured the UW was a twink! [Is that supposed to be capitalized?]

MUD ROOM???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did the UW honest-to-god think that the house had a room full of mud? Or a room with a mud floor? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Try submitting a report on a house with a "furnace pit" and see what happens. :lol: :lol: :lol: 8)
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