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A New One On Me.....

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Judy Whitehead (Florida)

Senior Member
Jan 20, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I got a call a day or so ago from a guy - he did say his name which I don't remember and told me he was a Reg. Appraiser in Safety Harbor (near Clearwater) and told me that he had a client that required that the property he was appraising be inspected by a State Certified Appraiser. The subject property was in our county and he wanted to know if I would go inspect it and how much would I charge?

I asked him, "Don't you have a Supervising Appraiser?" and he responded, that yes, but he was "out" and "not available."

At that point, I told him that I was not comfortable doing anything like that and he should call another appraiser. I was so stunned I really didn't know what to say. I've been so swamped the old brain is functioning slower after 12 hour days. He asked me to recommend someone and I gave him the name of another appraiser in the area that I know has some trainees (I even had to look up the phone number for him).

After I hung up, I realized that I should have asked him a little more information. I'm not sure if I'm ready to report someone unless I have a whole lot of personal knowledge and information (such as the guy in Jacksonville) but it sure sounded like his "supervisor" is way, way out of town and this guy is not really being supervised.
Maybe this is one that is working for this Jacksonville guy that lost his license. Or another one like him.

IF you get a chance like this again do try to get more information.

Scary stuff going on out there.
Oh, by the way, I don't know if I made this clear or not, but he had already completed the appraisal - it just needed the inspection. Perhaps he was at least trying to be ethical by at least having it inspected, rather than just having someone sign that it was!
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