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Adobe Acrobat - Page size

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Em Tee

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I hope someone can help me with this. I just found out that my pdf files are only letter size. I've looked in every setting I can think of, and all the setting are at legal size, but it prints out letter size. :evil:

Anyone know how to solve this???


Other than the (forgive me ) obvious:
Did you check the windows print set up prior to printing, I think there were two or three others who had trouble with this also:

try the link below:

rogers answer worked for someone!

And you can also go online to the Adobe website to troubleshoot, thier included with the program help mostly: ISN'T helpful :roll:
You choose what size to print. It only prints out on letter because you have letter size selected to print. It is not printed to PDF that way. It is a problem with how you choose to print your PDF's not the other way around.

Tim is correct you set the printer size in adobe. Go to "file" scroll down to "page setup" see what is selected there (letter) change to legal. You have to do this every time the default as I can figure is set to letter in adobe.

Ryan is correct, go to page size and click on legal. Had a few lenders call about that, and decided they liked the letter size anyway. Go figure.

Sorry guys, but I've tried all those ideas already. EVERYTHING says legal. Even when I click File, then Print, the little box on the right shows my paper is set to legal but it STILL is printing it shrunk down.

Anymore ideas?
Have you checked the printer preferences? Go to control panel and open, click on printers & faxes, right click on Acrobat PDFWriter, and click properties, click on printing preferences, check page setup. Make sure standard states legal.

Hope this helps

Jay Sosna
Hmmm, I don't have PDF Writer as one of my printers, I only have Distiller. Do I need to install something else?
For distiller, after clicking printing preferences, click on the tab called layout, then click advanced, make sure paper size is legal.

Give this a try.

Jay Sosna
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