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All area affiliates?

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Kathy in FL

Jan 17, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
Anybody ever got any work out of these people? I am tempted...There's a 3 county opening where I am. However, they want $75 a year. I'm opposed to paying for work, but thinking of those dry times...

I think I read a couple of years ago that it was illegal for a lender to charge appraisers a fee. I suggest letting them deduct the fee from the first three appraisals at $25 per whack. :wink:
Hi Kathy,
I am a member of All Area, it is a group of appraisers who want to use the interenet to gain primarily non-lender work. I signed up for a small (not very busy) county in New York. My primary work county was already taken by another appraiser. I have not gotten a lot of work out of it, but I must admit I have not been active in "fine-tuning" my site, and I have been so busy with lender work, I have not really pushed. For $75 it is a really cheap way to get a web presence. Others I have talked to have been busy with private clients through the web site. E-mail me if you want more info. Roger Payne
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