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AMC must have a verbal today!

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Bobby Bucks

Elite Member
Jan 27, 2002
Professional Status
Real Estate Agent or Broker
North Dakota
Here we are at the ranch working much too late again....well into the cocktail hour I might
add.....Actually I’m finishing what i consider to be very important relo assignments and estates for
respectable attorneys and then the phone starts squawking...of course the ranch always screens
calls and Buffy, my favorite AMC chick by far says she must have her verbal TODAY for a
property I looked at Monday.....well....I pick up during the call and let Buffy that by God she’ll
have her verbal before the sun sets today on her California coastline....Buffy is the epitomy of a
valley girl even though she’s from back east somewhere. She said if they don’t get their verbal
today, they might reduce me fee, put me on probabation and quite possible put ole Bucks on the
rack and bring out a whip. Dom Buffy brings out the S & M side of me for some reason and I
don’t mean sales and marketing. Before she hung up I asked Buffy for her email addy at work and
she gave it to me. I told her I had some important addendums to go along with that appraisal that
were for her eyes only.....well I remember back a few months ago in here when I made a post
about giving AMC’s a “real” verbal. I wish I could rememeber who suggested it, but can’t........
anyway, i sent Buffy an honest to God “verbal” as an email with one of those cute audio
attachments. To best serve their needs I also gave them a value range of between
$150,000-180,000 and about a 2 minute description of the property......lots of important stuff
about wainscoting etc....... Needless to say Buffy called back a few minutes ago and and was not a
happy camper. Buffy baby, if you’re reading this i still love you and i promise to have your report
there in Adobe format by Friday. A word to the wise......AMC folks lurk in this place like one
eyed cats around a seafood store. :-)
The Bucks Ranch is Rocking and it’s only mid week. :-)

I find it fascinating that most times when I indicate to a borrower that the lender is looking for a really quick turn time they respond with a "You're kidding! I've been at this mess since November!" or words to that effect.

I've begun responding to these absolute PANIC rushes with "I refuse to let your procrastination become my emergency!".

Of course, my best clients rarely do that to me, so this is reserved for those that call out of the blue, are my instant best friends, claim that I come highly recommended (no, they can't remember who), this loan just has to close tomorrow, and they know I'm the appraiser to help them out. Oh, yeah, the borrower lives in California and here's their phone number for access info.

Keep rockin'!!

Cranky in Friday Harbor
Did they mention the turn time in which they would pay your invoice? :lol:
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