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AMC's should adhere to the same standards as we do

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Tim Hicks (Texas)

Elite Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
The recent posting by Shelby at the AMC really got under my skin. The reason it did is because I just accepted an order from Nations Valuations Services in California. I did not know they were an AMC when I accepted the order. They called, asked if I could do an appraisal in an outlying county, turn around time and my fee. I told them if they get the order to me that day, I could have the report back to them in one week. Thye accepted my fee and turn around time. I got the fax about 6:00 pm on a Friday. Then Monday the faxes and calls started. Appointment date and time? (Why does it matter what time?). Appointments must be set within 24 hours. The appraisal must be completed and delivered within 48 hours of inspection. You must return this fax showing acceptance ( I did that Monday morning before the first wave of faxes and phone calls started). I returned none of the faxes and phone calls, but I had the report delivered pdf.edi by Thursday morning. That did not stop the Thursday monring status fax. Well, it appears to me that I covered everything that needed to be covered in the original phone call. So why the needless faxes and status calls. I am not some unmotivated junkie who needs a cattle prod to get my work done and it is insulting.

This got me to thinking. If they can demand this type of service. Why can't we? The day we deliver the report, we should be able to demand payment within 48 hours and get daily status calls on on our payments.I have developed an appraisal receipt confirmation form and I am posting it here. I hope every appraiser who works for AMC's will embrace this form and utilize it. Hopefully, a little of their own medicine might open their eyes. If it appeals to you, please use it or a form of this form. We need to take our dignity back. Here it is:



Lender/Client: ____________________

Property Information

Borrowers Name: ____________________

Address: ____________________

Loan Number: ____________________

Client File No: ____________________


1) Have you received the appraisal report? Yes ___ No____

If not, contact ______________ at (___) __________

2) Have you sent payment yet? Yes ____ No ____

Note: All appraisal assignments require check payments issued with 48 hours of receipt of appraisal. These conditions are set when daily appraisal appointment notices, delivery dates and status reports are required by the ordering company. We hold our clients to the same standard they hold us.

Date of Check Issue: ____________________

3) USPAP prohibits accepting appraisal assignments with a preconceived or projected value. Does the ordering company wish the appraiser to comply with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice?____

FAX TO (___) ___-____

Thank you for your business!

I know I am dreaming and please don't jepordize your good standing with any client. But, wouldn't you just love to fax and call people like Shelby every day just to give them some of their own antagonism?
You must be a good appraiser because you have no corporate brown nosing skills.

2) Have you sent payment yet? Yes ____ No ____

Now that is a classic appraiser response.

Good shot
Amazingly, I do know how to brown nose important clients. My troubles start when the lender/client shows no respect for the appraiser. The Daffy Duck avatar seems pretty reasonable considering my post, doesn't it?
I would be half way there if I could get contact name & number, sales contract, correct phone numbers, and correct email address on a legible order form on something above half of the appraisal request I receive.

handwriting skills are non-existent in the mortgage field; now if we were to do a report in that fashion what size cow do you think they'd have :?:

Last year I returned several requests, as I could not read half of what they wrote. Just told them if I can't read it, how my going to do it :?: Oh yeh and you have my check since you met with these folks right :?: They always forget to get your check to. Don't understand the thought pattern with these folks, if they need our services in a timely fashion, why not take out 5min.to write it up properly. :?

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