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APEX IV-V2: Printing Problems

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Julio E. Sune Jr. (FL)

Senior Member
Jan 16, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Any time I print a "Calculations Addendum" page it prints 1/4" to 3/8" to the right; at the bottom, Page 2 of 2 is cut with Page 2 only being printed.

Also if I try to print the "Calculations Addendum" page only, it will always print the "Sketch/Area" page also. :(

The "Sketch/Area" page prints ok-and with the right margins.

Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank You :roll:
I have purchased but have not loaded the latest version of Apex because I am still using the 16 bit Day One. However a problem I have with Day One & Apex might be a suggestion. I have poor eyesight so I have my window settings at large fonts-have too or I can not see what is on the screen. When I create a sketch in Apex, I access Apex from Day One, do my sketch, exit back to Day One, the sketch goes to their WinSketch addendum page and looks just like you describe. So for clients I send hard copies to, I print the sketch in Apex and it looks lovely. But for clients that I email a pdf report to I have to exit everything, reset my fonts to small, reboot my computer, then access Day One, access Apex and and when I exit Apex, the sketch fits very neatly on the WinSketch addendum page. Then other problems occur, but that is a Day One story. Finally after I have created my pdf file, I reset my computer to large fonts and email the report to the client. I have fussed at Day One and Apex for over five years about that problem, but I appear to be the only customer of either one that has the problem!
Jo Ann

I e-mailed Apex and they suggested I enter 10 in the margin setup boxes (default is 0). I did but it did not do anything. I will experiment with the fonts.
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