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APEX with XP

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David Mullen

Junior Member
Jan 17, 2002
I have a dual boot system with Windows 98 and Windows XP. It was set up that way because a couple of problems including APEX would not run well or at all with XP.

Now, I have APEX running on the XP partition (Version 9.86 of Toolbox) and it works OK but there is one problem. The screen does not show dots or even light lines in the grid. All of the grid lines are so heavy that it is difficult to make a sketch. In fact, I don't. I still reboot to the Windows 98 partition where I have the grid set up with dots and it is very easy to use.

Apex help did not have any suggestions so I hoped that someone here has encountered and fixed the same problem. Thanks

Dave Mullen
Apex has said there are problems with XP, especially the most recent version. Has that changed?

I have used Apex for many years, and have always liked it. Even have the Apex converter to 9.8x. But after so many issues, I just do it outside of 9.8x, print it to Adobe Distiller, save it and since most of my work is sent pdf, merge it when I need to. There are no issues when it is done that way.

Les Hall

Thanks for responding

I set my computer up with a dual boot system so I could continue to do my sketches with Apex in Toolbox 9.86 with Windows 98.

It looks like Apex is working OK on Windows XP and Toolbox 9.86 but the grid is so dark that I cannot see the sketch being drawn.

Thanks again.
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