Read my post in the Newbie section. We are not a closed society by choice. We have to defend your mistakes. And mistakes are hard to catch. You can read a report 5 times and miss a simple one. A few the UW have caught or I caught?
Marking attached instead of detached. Omitting the info source of subject in the grid. Not stating sizes of porches or outbuildings. Not commenting on the TV antenae on an outbuilding...yes it was a living quarters. zoning wrong...check the map. address wrong. Map arrows wrong. sentences in the comments left dangling without a finish. Names misspelled. I have wasted a small forest of paper redoing the dumbest of errors. Some were my own.
My problem with most trainees are they only want to do residential reports on URAR or 2055 forms. Everything else is an impossible task. After 3 years one of my subs has done exactly one narrative and i walked him thru every single page. A month later I asked him to do another, and he balked. Couldn't remember a thing I told him. So, no estate appraisals, no market appraisals, loan appraisals only. He is starving to death and I have little sympathy. I would give him loads of narrative work if he would just do it.
My advise is to keep trying. Apply for a job at the assessor for appraiser. Low pay, but experience will count towards your hours. Mass appraisal firms are also likely hires, especially if you are willing to work on contract and travel to far side of the state. Insurance adjusters. OKC has regional offices. An' fer cryin' out loud. TAKE A VO-TECH course in WORD, WordPerfect, etc. Learn spreadsheets. Night classes are $30 - $100 usually. And just do it. Write that narrative report. Skeltonize it. Learn to use Macros, merges and templates. Beg, borrow, steal a narrative and copy it. Go to a friendly banker and just ask if you could copy a big narrative report. I did about 3 mo. after I got my classes in. Within 6 mo. of my first appraisal class, I had written a narrative report. It is not inherently more difficult, nor particularly slower to do if you are proficient with that word processor.