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AppraisalPort Upload Control

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Freshman Member
Apr 19, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
AppraisalPort has indicated that it is the responsibility of the software company (Bradford-Robbins, ACI, DayOne, etc) to accomodate the AIReady upload. A thorough investigation indicates that it is the client / lender that actually controls what the appraiser can upload. Case in point: AppraisalPort does not upload a complete appraisal report. Rather, it does not allow sometimes critical pages (like the Limited Appraisal Disclosure or Exhibit addenda) to be uploaded. Any comments on this potentially dangerous condition?
We've been asked by WAMU to use AppraisalPort, but we don't and really don't want to start unless we can see exactly how the report turns out on the other end. At least with pdf you can view your file and see how it will look at the receiving end. Do you know if there's anything like that in appraisalport?
We've been asked by WAMU to use AppraisalPort, but we don't and really don't want to start unless we can see exactly how the report turns out on the other end. At least with pdf you can view your file and see how it will look at the receiving end. Do you know if there's anything like that in appraisalport?


You can see what AppraisalPort is uploading, but unfortunately is does not always upload your entire report. Since a digital signature is required for the report to be "complete" the whole process appears to be a violation of both USPAP and FNMA guidelines (Section 203) where the digital signature can only be applied to a "complete" and "unaltered" appraisal report. The concept is great, but be VERY careful where you put your critical information if you want to make sure it gets there! :(
<span style='color:brown'>You know, I have been dropped often enough by lenders that I really no longer care who I make mad. My report is a product of my effort, and they can take it complete as I write it, or not call me back. When a lender states we need x,y,or z format, I respond by saying you have a choice. It is PDF, faxed, printed and mailed, or you can go elsewhere.

One thing I will not do is allow a report to leave my hands without ALL pages intact and assembled in the proper order. What happens after that, is, obviously, not under my control. And every page is numbered as in "Page 1 of 15"

I can always get another client. But, particularly after the FHA thing where we are responsible for default rates, I cannot get another license. If a report is incomplete because of what others do, I want to make sure that I am covered.....my reports are delivered complete or not at all.

Anyone ever hear of "Just say NO!"</span>

I share your thoughts, but I think we can protect ourselves and still accommodate the multiple efforts currently in progress to expedite delivery. Only one or two of the methods being tried will succeed in the long run, and we might as well be familiar with them all. With AppraisalPort, they as well as WAMU consider the upload and delivery as a "mail box" that neither they nor the appraiser can control. It seems the client determines which pages they want to see, and exclude the rest from the upload BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE APPRAISER, just as if someone in the clients mail room removed pages from your report that was just delivered by UPS.

What I have done is put a comment in the comment page (which AppraisalPort DOES upload......stating that this report is being delivered at the request and under direct control of the client, and that pages were withheld from the upload by the client in a manner beyond the control of the appraiser. Clients using AppraisalPort have accepted and closed several hundred reports with this comment included, so I believe the precedent has been set. The basis is: I am delivering a complete report, the client is receiving less than a complete report for reasons beyond my control. That should protect us.

Doug Kues
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