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Appraiser's Seal

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Junior Member
Feb 18, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
North Carolina
Hi guys, Long time lurker... first time poster here.

Are any of you required to attach a seal to your reports? If so, what method do you use for PDF reports? I use Distiller's "rubber stamp" tool, but the stamp's background is not transparent so it covers up some of the words on the 1004. Our board dictates what size it must be, and its aggravating trying to size it just right for every report. Have any of you guys from NC had an electronic seal approved by the board?
I have to stamp all reports in AR. I don't email reports but I do use digital signatures on both narratives and forms. I stamped across my name, then scanned it, adjusting the size as needed. It may be off by a millitooter, but close enough for government work...at least I have not had it called yet.
My software has a stamp feature. I scanned my stamp into the computer, as a bitmap, and just click on the field to insert.
besides an embossed seal I use a
red ink "page___of___pages" with my name so no pages get "misplaced" when submitting a narrative or URAR report. Nice eye candy and lends a professional air to the report.

Yes I have had a stamp approved by the NCAB. As far as it being transparent, your ink stamp isnt, why should your electronic one be? Most software vendors have a system for autmatically placinging your stamp when you tell it to sign the report electronically. You only have to set it up once and it will be in the same place every time.
We are not required to have a seal but sometimes our reports reports are known to smell like a mackerel.
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