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Appraising "Time Shares"

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Doug in NC

Elite Member
Jan 17, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
North Carolina
I have never been asked to appraise a time share before, but I would like to take a class in appraising these properties. Does anyone know of a class that is offered? Have you ever appraised one? It seems to me that because these are so different than the typical house appraisal, there must be a separate form to appraise these on. Are time-shares considered "cooperatives"? Thanks.
I have never done one myself but was asked to review one. The appraiser used the income based on each week and the varations in pricing per the seasons and hollidays. Less two weeks for maint and repair. I had to decline my involvment but It was interesting reading. There were too many questions about absorption rates and resale marketability I could not get a handle on.
There is a company Interval International in South FL that does timeshare resales. Seems to be a fast growing business with several large offices. Mabye they might be a source of infomation for this.
Sounds like a great source of additional business for an appraiser who is looking at new markets.


Tom Hildebrandt GAA
Resales are listed by the hundreds all over the place; it would appear the key issue would be location and availability. Secondly, what would you pay to go on vacation for a particular week anywhere in the world??

Be realistic, and then check out the total affiliated with a Time Share week; don't forget the cost to travel etc., you may be pleasantly surprised 8)
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