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AQB Stands Firm on Maintaining Public Trust

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Jan 16, 2002
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Certified General Appraiser

Appraisers in the future need college or college courses and a lot more education. It is a matter of maintaining a high level of public trust in the appraisal profession according to the AQB.

In the strongly worded AQB Second Exposure Draft released today, the AQB downplayed all criticism asking: "Bearing in mind, the overarching goal of establishing and maintaining a high level of public trust in the appraisal profession, what are the requisite skills needed to practice competently, and what are the educational hours needed to acquire these diverse problem-solving appraisal skills and knowledge?"

The AQB has left intact with only minor changes the new requirements for a college degree or a specific number of college courses. The AQB kept the major increases in hours of course work.

In asking for comments if oppposed to the new criteria, they ask to be provided with information as to which courses, which hours should be subtracted from the list presented. Over all the document is combative and challenging. The AQB downplayed concerns about raising entry barriers, increased business costs, difficulty with adoption by states and boards or the cost of attaining the education. It is all a matter of public trust they argue.

The retroactive application was addressed with the new criteria only applying to new applications and upgrades with some attention to the reciprocal issue.

In a major step, The AQB has added Ethics Training to the Core Curriculum!!!!

Comments on this draft are due August 15, 2002 and can be e-mailed. The AQB received a pitiful 137 comments on the first exposure draft. Only 20 testified at the oral hearings.

If you feel strongly on this issue. I urge you to read the second exposure draft carefully and respond by the deadline. However, you weigh in on this issue, please give some thought to responding.
Hi Doug,

Looks like you've become a NEWS Writer! Very good synopsis of the content of today's Exposure Draft. The tone was certainly more combative that what we've become accustomed to. Seems as though some of the comment letters touched some nerves.

Do you, as I, see some of the AQB statements directed to specific people or organizations?

"Rationale for Second Exposure Draft:

The Board received a number of questions and comments on issues of concern unrelated to actual qualification criteria. There are commenters who assumed the AQB approached the issue of new qualification criteria as an arbitrary benchmark that could be set at any level. The commenters suggested the criteria be set lower to facilitate their concerns on how qualification criteria may impact: their perceived business costs; the difficulty of adoption of new criteria due to state political issues or state legislative policy; concerns regarding restraint of trade; barriers of entry; or the costs of attaining the required education."

My, my!!

Their lesson about legislation and public trust seemed a bit testy and defensive. We certainly have our work cut out for us in developing an appropriate comment letter in response!!

How about that Ethics Component in the Core Curriculum? Suprise!! At least they took one good suggestion.

Ordinarily, I would post a link to the draft here, but it has yet to be posted on the Appraisal Foundation Site. This one is "only" 28 pages.


See my response on the members only chat room of NAIFA.

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