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ArcView For Dummies!!

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Junior Member
Feb 20, 2002
I was reading another post that had a lot of responses from people that are using ArcView. I’ve seen it, get the concept, but I don’t understand how it would help me beyond the regular mapping options that are available.

Can I get some input as to why I would want to spend money on this product?

I am looking at Mapinfo for a project to map out zip code areas by value ranges. But I cant see where it is any good for a single unit.
Slacker & Dale

Prime example where GIS could be very helpful -- homes located in a flood hazard area. With ArcView you could have a flood map "layer" and a database of sales "layer" overlay the two and you would have a graphic representation if there is a market reaction to homes in flood zones. Of course you don't NEED GIS to do this, but it can be done a lot more quickly in this type of program.

GIS can be useful anytime there are locational issues.

My .02 cents

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