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Athena networking question

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Tim L

Freshman Member
Jan 17, 2002
Were getting ready to network our computers at the office, they are all running Athena and I was wondering how or if we will be able to share wintotal files and especially will you be able to access comp photo's from the different computers because not all of them have the same photo's in there data base,thanks :wink:
Ala Mode strongly recomends you run it from a server, if you try to get around it I think you are asking for trouble. I messed with mine for a few days and decided to do it "thier way" The instructions are on the web, I have Doc.#4715, there may be more. I would call them on how to combine the databases. So far I like it but I am barely a two person office.
I am running it on a network. You really need to create a server and a central database. I think it is required, but even if it isnt, what a job it would be to try to find who has what pictures.
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