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Athena & SanDisk Card Reader

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Don Clark

Elite Member
Jan 17, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Recently, and after most current upgrades, when I go to photos the "file" does not read the card reader and I have to go through the process of activating it all over again. Not a big deal but was wondering if anyone else had the problem? This happens on both Windows 98 and Windows ME programs.

Your comments are welcome and appreciated.

Don 8)
Had problems with SD Card Reader and finally threw in the towel and bought a Zio! (by Microtech). Very small, compact, and cordless... it plugs directly into a USB port. Works with Athena, Toolbox, MS Word, etc.

Neil (Texas)
I have had problems with the Sandisk, too. I believe it is a Sandisk problem though. Sometimes it just knocks itself out. The only solubtion is to reboot the computer and it works fine
I had the same problem and returned the Sandisk reader. Bought a "Lexar" and it installed and has run with no problems since last April. A friend had the same problem too and also bought a Lexar. I suspect that there is something unusual about the SanDisk that causes problems on some machines.
DARN! No wonder my stock in Sandisk has fell like a rock. Why didn't you tell me sooner!
Mine works fine...once in awhile the computer does something strange and changes the drive identifier from F: to E:. I dont know why but when it happens I just use the appraisal software (quickpix) to change it back and then everything works fine.

I am thinking about switching to a USB port Sandisk so I can use a scanner which doesnt have USB capabilities. An "after my move" technical upgrade...along with a new 18" flat screen monitor.

Definately consider getting a USB card reader. Much faster, no batteries, hot swappable!!!

Until then, when was the last time you upgraded the BIOS of your computer. Normally when issues like yours and the ones described by the other replies occur, it is because the BIOS doesn't know what to do an instruction issued by the device or one of its associated drivers. I had a similar issue with a brand new DELL laptop not even recognizing my USB card reader. The dell website had 9 updates to the BIOS of that machine available (keep in mind that this was a new computer right out of the box)!!!

Give it a shot, and remember that technology changes faster than most of us can keep up. The most current drivers should always be your first troubleshooting option.


Mine started doing something like that after I upgraded to Windows 2000. After I ran a complete defrag the other day, the Sandisk icon popped back up and we are in business. You might try a full defrag and see if that helps.
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