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Basically, I Need a Basic Ride-By, That's Basically It...

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Charlotte Dixon

Senior Member
Jan 16, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
WOW! Made my Monday! (Tuesday for real people).

New call just came in, verbatum.. :roll:

'Basically, I need a basic ride-by appraisal, but not an appraisal, just need someone to ride by, basically. The guy at the bank said I just need someone to drive by and say it's not a mobile home anymore, because we built around it, basically. He said the person who comes doesn't even have to get out of the car, basically, just write something. I need it by tomorrow at noon. But basically, it's not a lot of work. So, can you do it"? 8O

ME: AAHHHHHH......"No, here's another number" and gave her the number of an appraiser I admire the least.....Basically.

Did someone write "FOOL" on the back of my shirt?
Nope and you didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday , neither... hope the referral get you a thank you note at least :roll: :wink:
that sounds like Buffy the Appraiser Slayer, my favorite AMC chick. She’s improving, but she
still gets confused and goes into a strange dialect sometimes, a
combination of valley girlonics and AMC gibberish.......the conversation
typically goes....”Actually, I need like a rush order on a basic 2055
driveby, but the client says it has to be in internal driveby with interior
photos of all rooms and they need it in 24 hours with no comp photos and
they’re willing to pay $37.50.....and did I already mention it’s a rush?” :-)
That converted mobile home deal is the kind of crap I run into all of the time. I have seen some doozies. Why people go to all of this trouble is beyond me. One family took two mobile homes, joined them together, and built a house around them. They did a nice job too. Problem is: What is it? Why is it? Another happy homeowner’s father owned a flea market with about 5 acres of land. The son had a mobile home on the backside of the flea market. Access was by way of a right of ingress and egress right through the middle of the flea market. Then he encloses the mobile home into the dwelling. He built a mansion around the mobile home. His roof rafters were huge timbers and he did a quality job. Then I am stuck with a over built dwelling with a mobile home embedded inside with an entrance through a flee market service road.
PS: Today I drove past a factory built homesales lot. There was a nice rancher that looked like above average quality conventional construction with a big banner stretched across the front that said: MODULAR!
Charlotte, You are much nicer than me. I never give out the names or numbers of the number hitter clods. I let the idiots find them themselves. :lol:

Bobby, that sound just like the call I received last week..... and the week before..... and the week before....

Austin, that's much worse than any I've had! :P Yuck!!!!
Yes, Pam, But.....This seemed like a good assignment for the most...gag, gag, gag...repulsive appraiser I know. This might be the final nail in her coffin (if she gets caught, that is) :twisted:

How do you catch her? I'm still trying to figure that one out. If the lenders don't send it out for review to someone that will send it in with a complaint, they just keep getting those orders with not even a slap on the hand. :roll:
....Sure, o.k., so you need a ride-by ? ....no problem....you'll need to be at my office by about 9:45 to 10:00.....and I'll give you a lift so you can ride-by this place .....oh yes, my fee will be .....If you are late, or do not show I'll have to add $50 to it.
Kills me how they think a manufactured morphs into a site built when they build onto it in one outlandish way or another. Or better yet, merely when the county assessors appraiser waves his pen and their tax bill goes up. "See- says right there 'Real Property!'" Homeowners I can forgive, but lenders :?: C'mon, I'm blonde but, really now. :roll:
....”Actually, I need like a rush order on a basic 2055
driveby, but the client says it has to be in internal driveby with interior
photos of all rooms and they need it in 24 hours with no comp photos and
they’re willing to pay $37.50.....and did I already mention it’s a rush?” :-)

An internal driveby! Sounds like it could be destructive to the house. :!:

Makes me ask if they want fries with that? Would you like to super size it?
They would probably say yes though, then what would I do? :lol:

Wait, I know, supersize the INVOICE! :!: Yeah yeah that's the ticket.
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