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Best OS for Athena

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Freshman Member
Feb 21, 2002
Does anyone know what the best operating system is to run with Athena. I have windows 95. Should i upgrade to windows me? xp? Will windows 95 even run Athena?
Doug --

I'm using Windows 2000 and don't have any trouble regarding the Athena software. I wanted XP, but a la mode hadn't yet announced XP compatibility at that time.

Most problems I've had is my frustration at learning all this new stuff while wanting to produce a good looking product at the same time.

I've been using XP with Athena for the last 4 months. It works great, but I my XP was pre-installed on a new computer, so I don't know how an upgrade to xp would work.

XP is by far the most stable os I've ever seen. Only problems I've had were resolved by getting new printer drivers from HP.
Its really refreshing to have a system that never crashes.

If you do go with xp, be sure you have lots of ram. XP and Athena (espec. the ERC) will NOT run correctly on 64 megs, which I tried on another computer. (I've got 512 megs of ram and it works quite well).
XP will run pretty much anything significantly faster as long as your computer is not too terribly out of date.

You should also beware of networking if you upgrade to XP though.. from my experience it doesn't play very nice with computers running other versions of Windows on a local network.
I've had zero problems (knock wood) with Athena and Windows 98. I've heard the best is XP Professional.

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