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Can we make a difference?

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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Licensed Appraiser
Been reading all the post haven't posted hardly at all since the new Forum. New forum same problems as when Wayne opened this about 5 years ago. Read everyone's thoughts about organizations & not to sound like a politician but agree with both sides of joining or not joining. How can that be? Both have good points HOWEVER U gotta think about the strength of numbers. What part of the Mortgage Loan process has the most responsibility with the least say? Y I think it is because we have the least strength in organized numbers. The petition IS NOT signed JUST by appraisers there are Mortgage Co's, RE Agents, & Home Owners on that petion, because the BULLS#^& that is going on all over this country every state, county & smallest town EFFECTS every honest person in the Real Estate Industry. As Appraiser's MAYBE we should anaylize all our choices of organizations find the one that appears to have some B!@$s, for at least say 2 years put a combined effort into it & see what happens. Individual BIT&*&*g Hasn't got us anywhere since this Forum was first formed. The Petition has at least been in many area's & LOOK still getting signature's, all these signatures didn't come just from this Forum, they came from COMBINED EFFORTS of organizations concerned with the problem.

Well put. Appraisers need to get involved. I believe the existing associations are the best route. Pick the one you like. Visit their web sites- ask about benefits. Contact their local chapters and attend a meeting- see who you are associating with, if possible. Then jump in.

The associations are moving (I'll admit slowly, but still there is movement) to an umbrella organization that can represent us all. It is already formed.

At some point it may include a full consolidation of all of them. If you earn a designation from one, it may be converted into a national designation. I do not know. But I do know this. Our critics are taking pot shots at us because we cannot fight back.

Let's remember that we appraisers are the only UNBIASED party to the transaction. Once we get together, we WILL find allies in a wide range of consumer protection organizations. But we must make the first move.

How about it, all?

Brad Ellis, IFA, RAA

These Appraisal Organizations have been around for as long as I can remember, and other than give a few Continuing Education Classes that the appraiser can usually get from many other sources, they haven't done much of anything. There was a time prior to licensing where some Organizations controlled who could get on Lenders Approved Rosters to get assignments, but since licensing, that has changes, and the Designation and membership in these Organizations has become less important in getting work.

So the Organizations were left out in Left field with no specific program to market to appraisers. Yes Karl there is strength in numbers, but these Organizations have had the numbers in the past, and look what has happened to the profession. None of these Organizations have a specific plan of action to curb the progression of the "Vanishing Appraisal Work" or the Lender's control and munipulation of the Appraiser and the Appraisal Process for their own benefit. There has always been a few individuals who ran these Organizations for the benefit of the same few, and now they are finding that they have loss control of what they had, and their nitch in the business is also being threaten along with all other Appraisers.

The only way these Organizations can improve themselves is to open themselves up, get new people in leadership position. Git rid of the leaders who have not done anything in the past but move up the ladder since it was determined that it was his/her time to move up. Elect Individuals to office bases on the individuals "plan of action" rather than some flawed senority system.

Also, why would an Organization want to merge with organizations who are working against the Appraisers and the Appraisal Profession? It doesn't make any sense. That's like working against yourself. Appraisers should merge with others based on a common agenda and purpose. Don't lock up with people and organizations that don't mean you any good.

The first thing that has to be done is to remove the Appraisal Profession and the Appraiser from the control of the Lender. As long as this format is in place, there will be problems. The Lender has a definite conflict of interest. You can't munipulate the Appraiser who you approve for work assignments and make a loans on the same assignments. This is the reason everybody is trying to blame the appraiser for every problem that occurs with an appraisal assignment.

I have read these threads with interest. I have not posted anything but I am going to say something that has been on my mind. I work hard for my money and if some organization wants my money my first question is what am I getting back in return?

A designation as far as I can tell does nothing to get me any more work.

From what I see at least one group is selling out the Appraisers to AVM's while claiming they are assisting us. Strike them from the list.

Is anyone doing anything politicaly to assist appraisers? Not that I see. Maybe a bit here and there but nothing consistance.

While I am very anti-union I have to say that the Appraisers Union appears to me to have more pull than anyone else. I have not joined them not do I intend to join anyone soon but they appear to be doing more for the us than anyone else.

Once I can some a momentary benefit or an organization that is really working for the appraiser future then they will have my support. Till then I see no reason to joining any one of the existing groups. I can invest that money for now.
I will repeat what I said last week--ask not what a professional organization can do for your, but what can you do for your profession???
The organizations are comprised of volunteers--be a volunteer for your profession and join a professional organization.

Now as an example of what a professional organization is doing for all HUD appraisers--check out the naifa.com HUD chat room. Have you written your congress senator or representative lately?
First off glad to see your peeking and I will agree with most of your statement; and to that i would add, that unless we all unite for the better good of the profession, it will be havoc for quite sometime. Most of the existing organizations did it to themselves, by falling behind in what they should have been "On Top" of to start off with. They represented themselves as Industry Leaders, yet could not forsee their own future. They can put together an "umbrella organization", but if they travel the same course the future result will be the same. "The Appraiser" has been educated; inundated; saturated; and constipated with the same song for so long that their independence now creates a "stand alone" delima. The leaders have long prevailed in that scenerio and therefore, the result has been pre-determined by their lack of "Leadership".
Jo Ann Meyer Stratton;
Please don't anymore; we have relied upon the "Wisdom Of the Elders" in our profession far to long, sinking insurmountable amounts of money into what we were lead to believe was the "right way" to approach the profession and were mis-lead, funny in that if we did that in a report we would wind up in court :!: Where are they with all of our Fee's - jumping into the ranks of the "Lending" industry by offering side lines to the AVM process - that just purely stinks up the joint :x

When I got into the business that's what I was lead to believe, after discovering what the business was all about, I'm now very independent due to the noted and well published acts of many organizations against their own. Housekeeping is something that has an unbelievable impact and is my feeling that it was done on more than one occassion to "show off" as to how they were attempting to control their own industry, when while they were policeing, the Lending industry took full advantage to sneek in their beginnings of what we have today - a fully divided industry that is wandering aimlessly. If there are so many "volunteers" -wheres all the money going :?: :?:

Lastly, as far as HUD/FHA goes, it's a Political vehicle that will roll on the way the politicians direct it to go. I have noted that many appraisers here are HUD/FHA appraisers, which is more than likely conducive to their area's. As for my area, quite some time back I noted that with some of the changes they were seeking; and some of the information they asked that we sign off for - was within "Non-Compliance" with our State Law; therefore, placing ones signature on that or any other document, was just like putting a gun to your head - you had No Defense :!: It was in my own judgement to drop HUD/FHA for that reason. There were many who felt they had to keep on going or they would have no work; how does the word "preditory" fit into that scenerio :?: :?:

You see there are flaws all over because the "political" powers have way to much money and therefore own way to much control and "volunteers" are not going to be the people who create change within the industry; it has and will always be the; "We the people with the greatest amount of money & influence" who will bring about change.

Now a controversial Issue; the word "Union" strikes many a different feeling here and everywhere else, but unions have brought about more changes over the years than any other "attempt of change". For the sake of argument we will leave out the Teamsters and go directly to the "Teachers Union", as prior to them initiating a "Union" they not only had problems getting a raise, they had no direction and poor retirement plans. Today, they earn an incredable living for a job that only requires a 180 day work year, with vacations and summers off; (using my area of the country as the example here) and probably earn as much and in some cases more than we do :!: They have a; retirement plan; medical; paid sick days (accumulative); dental & eye care programs. What do we get :?: :?:
I'm not saying it is an "end all", but it surely needs to be looked at in perspective to the "alternate" thats made "No Attempt" to look out for it's people. I've been involved in union's before, they ain't all that bad- not here.

Good Luck 8)
It's the chicken and egg thing - if every licensed appraiser in this country joined an organization then those organizations would have the clout needed to make a difference, so you can't sit back and complain that
the organizations do nothing for you if you don't belong to any of them.
It should be obvious to all. When these organization go to Washington to lobby an issue wouldn't it be better for them to say, "we represent 80,000 appraisers across the nation", instead of, "we represent some small fraction of appraisers".
Joe B - it could be the duck & feather thing, call it what you want, I was a member of several organizations for about ten (10) years, don't recall any of them going to Washington and doing the big representation thing, can You :?: :?: If they did, would we be in the situation we're in Now :?: I don't think so :!:

Remember it starts at the TOP and works it's way down, it never has and never will start at the bottom and work it's way up and thats a fact :?: Do think they don't peek in here and read any of this :?: This Forum has been open for 4+ years, have you seen or herd of any steps in the right direction other than what W.Sentner has posted :?:


ducks and feathers, chickens and eggs, I agree with your idea that we wouldn't be in the mess we are in if these organizations were effective, but they are not effective due to low membership.

Back in the 80's when S&L failures where being investigated I think they had the wrong attitude and perspective (i.e. arrogant good old boys), who where either in the pockets of the bankers and/or had no power to change what was coming (FIRREA and formation of AF). Today, I would
hope their focus has changed. It's a matter of power and I'll admit the bankers and their cronies have much more power than appraisers do, which is obvious given the state of affairs. What to do ? Form a national union, go on strike, and let the housing market come to a grinding halt, that might get their attention.
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