Common courtesy and general professionalism seem to be lacking and it reflects poorly on our so called profession.
Case in point,a regular poster here, who signs most posts, located in beautiful zzz county Wisconsin, trouble is, I did not remember what county that is, nor am I familiar with every county in Wisconsin. So I searched appraiserusa.com and found the person who posts here often and sent a nice email giving the location of the property in question and asked if it was an area that he worked etc. Here is the respones I recieved:
May I suggest that you look at a map before ordering appraisals. I am
located two hundred miles from the property you want me to appraise.
Thank you,
Now isn't that a great way to treat a potential client? Note that I never ordered an appraisal. You see the funny thing is, I am a real estate appraiser as well, now I work for a bank, so I guess that puts in the line of people who get treated like garbage, as I guess that is the way to treat potential clients. The even more funny portion is that I was looking for someone to handle additional work throughout the state, some of which is probably on the map I was suppposed to look at. But given this nice, courteous, and very professional reply, I can guarantee that this person will never get a call from me.
Whats the deal guys and gals, is this standard operating procedure or is there something in the water in Wisconsin?
Thanks to those of you who as a matter of being a professional, act with common courtesy and decorum.
Case in point,a regular poster here, who signs most posts, located in beautiful zzz county Wisconsin, trouble is, I did not remember what county that is, nor am I familiar with every county in Wisconsin. So I searched appraiserusa.com and found the person who posts here often and sent a nice email giving the location of the property in question and asked if it was an area that he worked etc. Here is the respones I recieved:
May I suggest that you look at a map before ordering appraisals. I am
located two hundred miles from the property you want me to appraise.
Thank you,
Now isn't that a great way to treat a potential client? Note that I never ordered an appraisal. You see the funny thing is, I am a real estate appraiser as well, now I work for a bank, so I guess that puts in the line of people who get treated like garbage, as I guess that is the way to treat potential clients. The even more funny portion is that I was looking for someone to handle additional work throughout the state, some of which is probably on the map I was suppposed to look at. But given this nice, courteous, and very professional reply, I can guarantee that this person will never get a call from me.
Whats the deal guys and gals, is this standard operating procedure or is there something in the water in Wisconsin?
Thanks to those of you who as a matter of being a professional, act with common courtesy and decorum.