The Texas standards are directly out of USPAP. Thank God we have some rational thinkers in this country. However, what is up with Alabama? It appears we have yet another psycho board who has joined the ranks of North Carolina and Illinois. I wonder were they find these knuckle heads? I am serious. I am becoming convinced they scourer the back streets of the major cities for old winos, clean them up and elect them to some of these seats because some of these people suffer from wet brain. They just want to make up their own rules assuming the rest of us should know better. In the truest sense it fits into the definition of insanity.
Lets start with number one. How vague can you possibly get. Failure to adequately supervise. What does that mean and how is that judged? Does it mean if the State does not like how you train, even without a clear violation within a report, they can fine or take away a license? What criteria do they use and were is it in USPAP?
Number two has been hammered to death on this forum and I believe it is going to take a major law suite to stop some of these bureaucrats from believing they are God sent in the selection of comparables.
Number three sounds like they took it from Fannie Mae's guidelines. Has anyone in Alabama heard of a restricted report? Furthermore, the amount of discussion is the amount agreed upon between the appraiser and client. Again, purpose and scope.
Number five. It seems to me the given physical condition of the property says it all. These vague terms like, not fully discussed, or not adequately completed, are crap. Another law suite waiting to happen.
Number six forgets to add in the normal course of business. Number seven acts as though there are no choices of reports (restricted, summary, self-contained) and all reports should be the same. Number eight has also been hammered to death here on the forum. What happens when the exact same home directly next door to the subject sold; however, the broker goes on vacantion for a month. Do you forgo the sale even though the information is clearly put on MLS? Show me the definition of verification in USPAP or for that matter in any know text. Again, rules to be selectively enforced.
This stuff is my pet peeve. How did we let these morons take over this business?
Steve Vertin