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Compliance Inspection Report

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Junior Member
Jan 15, 2002
I'm curious to know how others complete Section I and II of the HUD-92051 and whether or not I'm doing it right.

I always check Item 12 in Section I. I list each VC item (from page 4 of the VC Form) in Section II and specify "cleared" or "to be cleared by lender". Somehow, I believe that may be wrong in that item 12 in Section I indicates that you would only list those VC items that are to be cleared by the lender.

Any suggestions for doing it differently?
I was told by an underwriter and confirmed with REAC to check #14 and list each item from the VC Sheet. On those items you can clear, state whether they are clear or not. On items you cannot clear, i.e. furnace or electrical issues refer them to the report from the appropriate specialist. This is what I do and to date have had none questioned by the UW. As always, if I get better information I'm open to change. I usually get quick responses from REAC when I call. Customer Service Center (1.888.245.4860). Tech Assistance (1877.406.9220). Good luck.
I do it in a simlar fashion. I list all of the VC items and either indicate that the work is completed or state that the report or inspection is "By others"
For what it's worth, I usually list the items I am "buying off" on the LEFT side of the CIR form and the items the client is responsible for on the "RIGHT" side. Check Item #14
Blue 1:

Do you really believe it necessary to make it that simple for an UW.
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