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Contact Info For Federal Agencies

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Jan 13, 2002
Professional Status
Retired Appraiser

Principal FOIA Contacts at Federal Agencies
The Department of Justice's Office of Information and Privacy (OIP) is the principal contact point within the executive branch for advice and policy guidance on matters pertaining to the administration of the Freedom of Information Act. Through OIP's FOIA Counselor service, experienced FOIA advisers are available to respond to FOIA-related inquiries at (202) 514-3642 (514-FOIA). For inter-agency contact purposes, the following list contains the principal FOIA contacts at all federal agencies dealing regularly with FOIA matters. In some instances (e.g., the Department of Defense), all major agency components are listed individually under the agencies. In other instances (e.g., the Food and Drug Administration), major agency components are listed separately. In still other instances (e.g., the Department of Labor), no components are listed, as it is the agency's preference that all FOIA contacts be made through its main FOIA office. Fax numbers and e-mail addresses are provided as a matter of agency preference as well. All telephone and fax numbers are listed by local area code, which can be dialed in the federal long distance system. OIP should be notified whenever there is a change in a principal agency FOIA contact or any change in title, telephone or fax number, or address.

There is contact information here for all sorts of government agencies that could do something about what is happening to appraisers.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug:
Look at AO-19.

I want copies of orders with verbiage illegal for appraisers to accept the order.

I especially want copies of orders with illegal verbiage from AMCs -

most especially those with any of the larger banks as the lender -

especially AMCs owned by banks.

But, I'll take any and all.

If anyone has copies of HUD-1s that show a larger appraisal fee than what was paid to the appraiser, I REALLY want those!!!!
[think about what's happening to the title companies now!]

Contact me via PM or email if you have anything.
I've had a response.

I really could use any and all appraisal orders with verbiage as listed in AO-19 that appraisers cannot accept.

Especially good would be email exchanges where they want something illegal for an appraiser to do and shows the pressures being applied.
I'm sorry, where do I look for the form AO-19?

Has anyone heard about Wells Fargo changes

On September 14, 2006 I was told that they changed their appraiser selection process. They now have their loan agents (sales) select the appraiser and took it away from their Rels subsidiary. Only the loan processing is done by Rels now.

I would like to get that verified. Just seems strange that they would actually WANT another S&L crisis by letting the loan agent pick the appraiser who consistently hits their number. I can't believe Wells would be that crazy, so please let me know if this is correct or not.


Pamela Crowley (Florida) said:
Look at AO-19.

I want copies of orders with verbiage illegal for appraisers to accept the order.

I especially want copies of orders with illegal verbiage from AMCs -

most especially those with any of the larger banks as the lender -

especially AMCs owned by banks.

But, I'll take any and all.

If anyone has copies of HUD-1s that show a larger appraisal fee than what was paid to the appraiser, I REALLY want those!!!!
[think about what's happening to the title companies now!]

Contact me via PM or email if you have anything.
Pamela Crowley (Florida) said:
I want copies of orders with verbiage illegal for appraisers to accept the order.

I especially want copies of orders with illegal verbiage from AMCs -

most especially those with any of the larger banks as the lender -

especially AMCs owned by banks.

But, I'll take any and all.

If anyone has copies of HUD-1s that show a larger appraisal fee than what was paid to the appraiser, I REALLY want those!!!!
[think about what's happening to the title companies now!]

Contact me via PM or email if you have anything.
I still want all of these I can possibly get!!!!!

my email: pec514 @ yahoo. com (remove the spaces)
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