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Course questions (CA)

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Frederick R. Ruffell

Senior Member
Jan 21, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
I am currently taking a CE course and have some quiz questions that I cannot find answers to in the supplied material and am not sure of the answers. This course is for License renewel in California and some of the Lic. questions may have different answers in different states. So answer what you can. Remember to "Dumb it Down" as many of these questions have made undisclosed assumptions. Wayne, none of this material appears to be copywritten.

1. How long do you have to report changes .. EG. phone , address?
(I am assuming that they mean to report to OREA)
10 days, 15 days, 30 days, or 60 days

2. Can an appraiser stop after the site inspection if the needed value is not there and just charge for the work done?
Yes or No

This next question(s) refer to the revised Condo. form #1073 (10/94)

3. A PUD addendum is still required by FNMAE (sp, I know) when a project is a PUD and the developer/builder is still in control of the project.
True or false

4. Reinforcement was required in masonry construction after
1933, 1960, 1985, Never

5.The Earthquake Insurance is a FNMAE Form.
True or False

6. The old form 439 prior to the revision was not in full compliance with USPAP.
True or False

7. For FHA, when units (2-4) are in a seasonally adjusted area where summer/winter rents vary greatly, the rents used should be those that a tenant would be expected to pay over a long tenancy.
True or False.

You're taking an open book test, right? Even though many of us have the answers at hand, I don't think it would be right to just give you the answers to your test. If the course material really doesn't have the answers to the question, the question shouldn't be part of the test. Contact your CE vender. Even if it isn't in the course material, those answers are available elsewhere (by that, I mean sources of information you can research to find the reference as well as the answer). Incidentally, it would be a good thing to know the answers to those questions, test or no test.

That, and choose your CE accordingly. Nobody is fond of being required to accumulate CE hours just to maintain a license, but there are two ways to handle it. Some appraisers choose their CE strictly to fulfill the required hours. Preferably by 'earning' 8 hours of credit for 1 hour of work in some funky distance program, or attending a live class with a burn-out for an instructor. For these folks, learning anything is irrelevant because they think they already know enough to do their job. I have no sympathy for these folks; they are merely going through the motions and are deliberately swerving the system. Other appraisers, probably no more enamored with the state requirements, nonetheless choose to use the CE requirements to their benefit and actually become more knowledgeable about their chosen profession. I'm hoping you are one of the latter. If so, you'll want to choose you CE venders carefully because they are not all equal. You're in lower California. There are plenty of genuinely good CE providers here. Several universities, too. Good Luck.

George Hatch
In my post I thought I used the word quiz, if I were taking an exam (Test) I think the time limitation would have run out by the time anybody could have posted back. These are quiz questions presented at end of each section in the course to prepare for the final exam (not required for Classroom CE Courses).
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