Our MLS also uses the status of a "pending" sale of a listing when a contract has been received. If a pending sale should fail to close, the listing history often will show a BOM (back on market) date as they try again. I will always search the full listing history for that address, and NOT just that specific and current listing. It is not surprising to reveal the prior and linked listings, where one had expired or was cancelled, only to emerge again later same day or 1 day later as the proverbial "New" listing, perhaps at a lower price and maybe not, yet often with a different agent, but NOT always. I will go back to the very first date in that history and conclude the total length of days of market exposure and offer that in the report. Some can go back into year 2001, are linked and are fair game to include. I will often observe that very first list price and look at how it closed and was recorded. The %-of-list (to sale price) this portrays is sometimes quite astounding and really shows what the marketplace thought of the house in the beginning of the attempt to sell and that early offering price ! Those that contract in 8 days at 100% of list are priced right, the buying party recognizes that, and the house very often is neat, clean and updated.