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Distance Education

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Thern Newbell

Junior Member
Apr 25, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I noticed in the July minutes for the TN appraisers commission, it looks like there is a proposal to change state policy and allow for more distance education including for qualifying education. Although I prefer to take classes on site and likely still will, I am in favor of this proposal (esp. if they make me take Principles and Proceedures courses over again for my license upgrade). When I started many moons ago, I took my first few classes at a proprietary organization in TN, and later found out some of those initial classes were no longer recognized by the state. More than likely, I would challenge that requirement seeing how I've been certified since '02. I was hating the idea that I would have to sit through an additional two weeks of classes in addition to the four other CG classes I have to take.
I hope they do allow more distance education. Like you, I learn best in a classroom setting, but, getting to the classroom in different state can be a pain in both loss of time and money.
Just something I noticed about Tennessee; the license number system. I get the daily ASC notice and saw that for Tennessee the appraiser license numbers are really straight forward ie; 22, or 56, or 35, etc. No string of long numbers. I like that. Life is too complicated.

Distance education all the way for me.
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