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DSL internet speed

Which is faster?

  • DSL

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  • Cable modem

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Tim Hicks (Texas)

Elite Member
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Jan 15, 2002
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Certified Residential Appraiser
I have had SWBELL ADSL service for almost two years. Lately, I have noticed it bogs down quite a bit and the speeds are less than desirable. When I notice the slow movement I go the internet speed checks at msn and I have had speeds as low a 78kps to 125kps. When it is running well its speeds are usually in the 300-350 kps. My question is what kind of speeds are you getting out of your service providors. I have been thinking about switching. When I call tech support they always try to say the problem is on my end. Then they do some tweaking while we are on the phone and my speed increases. I can pretty much do the same thing by turning off my modem and letting it re-connect, but that defeats the purpose of having a DSL line. Sometimes I think tech support just lies to you to you because you can not prove them wrong.

What kind of speed are you getting out of your service? Is a cable modem the better route? Is anybody else having this trouble with their DSL lines. They act as if I am the only one in the world with this problem.
Any info is appreciated. I know T1 is faster. How about DirectTV's intenet connections?
I had cable modem for awhile then moved to an apartment and could not get cable so went with DSL. My opinion was having both the DSL is much slower. Now that I bought another house a few months back and went to get conected again went back to cable will never go back to DSL.
Just tested my Bellsouth DSL at http://atl.speakeasy.net

My download speed: 1,236 kps
my upload speed: 218 kps

This using a wireless networking system in my home and also using encryption between my rounter and my computer which could degrade performance somewhat.

This has been the about the same every time I have tested it, and I have had DSL for about 8 months now. (Bellsouth)

There is some sort of problem with your performance. I suggest you go to http://dslreports.com and select the forum for your provider and post and see what can be done. Or at least see if others are having the same problem. If they are then you can at least know it's not your system and you can look into other options.

The direct link for the SW Bell Forum is:

I would also read about what others say in the dslreports forum about Direct TV DSL before getting it. Also you can read about the specific cable providers before making a decision. The link for all forums is:

My DSL has been rock solid and I am well pleased. I have never had cable, but would definitely read the review about the specific providers before getting it because, like anything else, some systems are good, some are not.
Thanks, Wayne. I just did their test. I have SWBell.net and my speed was 316/96. Seems kind of low.
Thanks, Wayne. I just did their test. I have SWBell.net and my speed was 316/96. Seems kind of low.


It is very low for DSL. What speed do they advertise? I would make them deliver it or switch providers.
Just tested my down stream 1440 KBS/250 KBS upstream
I'm on AT&T cable.......just tested.......1197 kbps down / 242 kbps up
3014 down, 261 up

Cox cable KS

We have four people online on the same connection at this time, AND it is 'prime time' 6:30 pm Friday so local ought to be 'loaded'.

seems OK to me. 8)
Yeah, love my DSL. One of my buddies down the road is just out of DSL range :cry: , so he has the Direct TV & Internet :) . Pretty cool if it is your only option, but I will take DSL or Cable over it any day. It peaks and falls, one second you are downloading really fast...the next, it is like your typical dial up. So overall I think it is about the same. EXCEPT when the weather is crummy, he loses his TV AND internet. :lol: :lol:
We use cable, DSL not available. Fast, very few fallouts. My son is supposed to have DSL available and has asked for it. However, the phone company still hasn't got it turned on after a month. Cable is fast enough that we can view film clips with less than 30 seconds download time, watch real-time over the cable with no loss in signal.
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