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Fannie and Freddie News - New Congressional Take

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Francois K. Gregoire

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Just found this interesting item here


H.R. 4071, the Uniform Securities Disclosure Act

Betcha it will take quite a bit for this to gain steam, but it might spark some interesting debate.
That ought to put the cat amongst the pigeons!

Hope it works. My parents life savings may depend on a little more acountability, and I would prefer not to spend the remainder of MY working days paying off the next crisis!.
I hope this one by Shays has a better chance of passing the Supremes than his last one, or doesn't limit a freedom. This one I think is a good one, which I'll be talkin to my reps.
Wish there were a holding nose emoticon. :wink:
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