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FHA Appraisers removed due to high volume in 2001

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If that is such a big problem, then why does their computer at REAC allow lenders to assign the same appraiser to 50 different jobs in the same week??
Lee Ann

Ha. Just think. They were all new construction appraisals. Same models over and over. Just change the case number, name, address, sale price, lot size and email away :lol: :lol: :lol:

See, it can be possible. It's only 20 per week. Hey, I'm an FHA appraiser. I try to think of all the possible scenarios, what can I say :roll: :roll:

Hmm, good point Ben. I didn't think of the "master appraisal" technique, and have the trainee go do the inspection. No wonder I am still broke. :lol:

Ha. You just have to move in GA to where the "action" is........... :D :D to get in on the FHA bonanza.

You don't even have to do FHA master appraisals. Regular old FHA's on new construction, over and over, could make that quota with no trainees.

Hell, I knew of two staff appraiser guys in Philadelphia years ago that regularly did over 100 appraisals per month. The subject and the comps were very often on the same block so there was very little time spent chasing comparable sales. Basically, the same type row home over and over. So technically, it is possible in some locations. Not in my location though.

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