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Fillable PDF document

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Junior Member
Jan 15, 2002
Anyone know how to create a document (such as a form), preferably with microsoft word, that can be converted to .pdf where certain areas can be filled in?
If you are only dealing with MS Word and Adobe Acrobat Writer there are two ways. You can fill in the form while still in MS Word and then print to the Adobe Acrobat Writer.

Or you can print the form to Adobe and then use the Text Tool to fill in the blanks. My experieence in doing it this way is it usually creates additional formatting/spacing work.
You need the full version of Adobe Acrobat. Then, with the pdf form you want to fill in, go to the "form" tool in Acrobat and create the fields that you want to fill.

You just draw a little rectangle in each place you want to enter data and then select the attributes from the pop up window in Acrobat (font size, type of data, etc.)
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