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Flat panel monitors

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Sophomore Member
Jan 24, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
Hi All, anybody recently buy a flat panel monitor? Looking for a good deal on a smaller, low end model, $500 or less. Any suggestions would be appreciated?


Have had a Flat for about 4 months and like it alot; it's an NEC 15" and works fine; mine was about $395 + ; but I recently herd there even less now. Shop around :!:

Good Luck 8)
Hey Scott, I just purchased a Microteck C783 LCD 17" viewable (looks like a 19") from Office Depot for $550.00. This were originally $799, then went on sale for $599 and there is a $50 mail in rebate. I am totally in love with it. For the first time in years I can see the top of my desk. The monitor sits back at a very comfortable distance so much less eye strain. According to the marketing information, there is no radiation either, so it is better on the eyes.

Go for it....but I wouldn't buy a smaller one now that the prices have come down dramatically!
I agree, I bought a 17" LCD monitor a couple of weeks ago and absolutely love it.

I just bought a new computer from dell and it came with a 15" flat panel. I think there great less room on your desk and they look just as good. You might want to check out ubid.com. They have some pretty good deals of refurbished and new flat panels. But know how much it would cost you brand new.

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