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Fuse vs. circuit breakers

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Sophomore Member
Mar 11, 2002

Just trying to clarify my thinking. Does FHA require circuit breakers or is fuse acceptable


Tim Zitter
CAUTION: you should read David's post below!!!
My information IS correct, however 8O 8O
Edited 10:30 am
from horses mouth when horse was within choking distance: your area may vary I'd call to find out the latest!

I was told HUD is NOT in the updating or code enforcement business, and that fuse boxes are as acceptable as circut breakers AS LONG as there are no tamperings with the system (VISIBLE penny's behind the fuses etc.) and the circutry appears sufficient to run a frig, a stove (if electric) and the HVAC system.
Lee Ann,

Thanks, that backs up what I thought as well, but looking at the "book" it only refers to "circuit breakers" under the explaination.

Tim Zitter
WRT fuse homes:

Only thing that bugs me is figuring out if the market is smart enough to realize that fuse run homes are virtually uninsurable: technical redlining in my opinion, but effective :roll: . Since I don't have good specific data I am not sure exactly how to figure this, and nobody is talking about it!

'Cost to cure' can be pricy with respect to value of home: in our state none of the traditional insurers will touch a fuse house: leaving the unhappy homeowner with the state insurance pool, only costs two to six times as much per annum 8O .
4150.0 Page D-31

Electrical System
(Handbook Chapter 3-6 A.13)

"Examine the electrical box to ensure that there are circuit breakers with no visible frayed wiring or exposed wires in living areas and that there is adequate amperage for the appliances present in the property"

I won't allow fuse boxes when the handbook specifies circuit breakers. I don't really want to be on the losing end of a lawsuit if the place burns down & hurts someone when the guidelines specify circuit breakers, no matter what anyone else says. Can you imagine a lawyer asking why you didn't follow written guidelines, with anger in his voice as a widow cries in front of a jury?
8O David:

I quite clearly recall the discussion with HUD representative.... I concurr with you thoughand hadn't thought it through: however after reading your post IMNSHO I would probably require WRITTEN HUD authorization to circumvent it.. I need to go look further 8O 8O I think there is some other written reference, but I don't know where...

I'd go with a direct call to your HOC on this one. I DO recall the conversation and who I asked, but did not specifically READ what you did and David quoted prior to answering your query...
OK Gang:
(your area may vary - this IS after all the gov't!)
MY quick call to the DENVER HOC resulted in verbal assurance that fuses are indeed acceptable.

And that they consider 'fuse box' as synonymous with circuit breakers :evil: (which really ain't SOSO :x )

:?: :!: :?:

David I QUITE concur with your assessment of potential liability!

I was advised by the Tech rep to quote them in the report.

Me thinks we should all assault Washington with a request to insert "OR FUSES" in the 4150.2 page D-31!~ so as to make written what we been told :evil: :evil: :evil:

Which was by the way the reps advice when I voiced my concern :roll: :roll:

and it would be the sorrowing widower, missing wife and children, if I ever got called to the stand 8O
Some people should be government employees not appraisers!

Fuses are acceptable. Homes don't have to be updated to current code. Next you will be saying you can't have a gravity furnace! Geeeeshhhh.
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