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fused or circuit breakers?

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Jeff Horton

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I was studying the 200 questions preparing to take the FHA exam and something caught my eye. In the handbook on page d-31 it says " Examine the electrical box to ensure that there are circuit breaking with no visable frayed wiring .........."

Are they saying that fuses are not acceptable? I can find no where it says clearly that fuses are not not allowed and that cuircuit breakers are required. Are they maybe useing the term curcuit breaker to mean fuses also?

National HOC Reference Guide

Chapter 1
Appraisal & Property Requirements
Page 1-26

A: Electrical service:

1: May be either circuit breakers or fuses.

2: Appraisers should examine the electrical box to ensure that there are no frayed or exposed wires.

3: Existing 60-amp service is acceptable if it appears that this is adequate amperage for the appliances present in the property, or those considered "standard" if the present appliances appear to be less than found in the "standard" home.

4: Knob and tube wiring is acceptable if found to be in good condition and a minimum of 60-amps.
Thanks Brad, I just downloaded that manual and will print it out latter. Was not aware of that one, but I am sure since it is Guvment run I will find lots of stuff I didn't know existed! :-)

Leave it to Brad Pack to actually quote the stuff! I gotta call him today on another matter.

Just for everyone's general info:

In Chicago, where I used to live, the fire houses had a lot of crews who did renovations and additions. Seems they have a lot of free time on their hands with the 3/4 day 24 hour work schedules (assumes of course folks are not out setting fire to things, and obviously, today, does not include those truly brave folks in NY city and surrounding areas- by the way, NAIFA has a member- Mike Lange, Jr. who worked as a volunteer fireman at ground zero- quite a guy).

Anyway, I appraised many of thee projects. Pretty good work, usually. But I noted a strange thing when I did the fireman's houses. Almost all had fuses- not breakers. Called my uncle, who is an electrical contractor and asked about this. He told me that breakers, even when switched "off" do not always fully cut the circuit- so these guys opted for fuses as they definitely cut the circuit. Interesting.

Also interesting was that only a few of these folks had the darn circuits marked! Nice to know they have to fumble around in the dark like the rest of us!

Brad Ellis, IFA, RAA
National Director, NAIFA
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