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General thoughts about the ACI User Group.

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Dave Smith

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser

For those members of the ACI User Group that have never accessed the ACI website here is the link to take you there: http://www.aciweb.com

The site contains information about ACI and some software updates are available too. If you haven't upgraded to Version 8 it is well worth doing. I have been using Version 8 for four and a half months and like it much better than I did Version 7. Version 8 loads and runs faster and is much more stable, with far fewer crashes. If it does crash, which it still does from time to, it isn't necessary to re-boot your computer to get it up and running again. Just click on your ACI icon and its back on screen.

Here's hoping that group members will be willing to share their experiences with the ACI software, good, bad or ugly. If you need a fix for a problem post it here. Someone else may have already addressed the same problem and has a suggestion on how to fix it. Hopefully they will be willing to share their experience with the group.

I am working on a "wish" list of things I would like to see incorporated into or changed with the software and will be posting the list when its ready. If enough of us join together the powers that be at ACI will listen. After all, there is strength in numbers.

Thanks for tuning in.
(Group moderator)
Hi Dave, I just added my name to the group roster yesterday and do not know how recently you created the ACI chat site here. I have been an ACI user since I started up 4 years ago, and I do currently have the V8 program. One thing I can say for sure is that some quirks, bugs and foibles that were in their software years ago are STILL there today. Long ago I would mention them to a tech rep and usually got a response of "no one else has told us that one"...and I basically have let any further commenting slide into oblivion. One just learns when to do, or not do, a certain step in filling out a report page or when tabbing to another field, etc., and to "Save" one's work frequently, and I can get through a report quite well. I was long-time hold-out on e-mailing reports because the security of e-signatures was not assured with respect to appraiser being able to CHANGE the original password created when the e-sig file (floppy) was sent to the appraiser. The changing of user password has been "fixed" with the V8, right ? (I changed my password on first day). I have been meaning to create a full and formal listing of aspects of the software which need some tweeking, yet have never done that. The 2055 form has a host of quirks. I am not going to start a listing here. I will admit.....and I do not mind saying so....that I did buy A la Mode's Athena last October....yet not loaded it yet. If I get a second PC for my 1-person office I will load it, and as much as this hard drive does have the space I should probably load it on main PC anyway. From mid--Dec. through mid-March my work load was overwhelming and had no gumption to start to learn a new program, etc. --- perhaps now, as work has faded quite a lot with some "bad news" appraisals submitted in March, I should perhaps become familiar with A La M. I do understand the passion many have with that software, and I am NOT a staunch defender of ACI by any and all means......it's just what I have always used, and it gets the job done quite well. Best Wishes.....Ross Krummel, in Colorado Springs

You are so right. ACI does have some shortcomings, like virtually every program I've ever tried.

I've found workrounds like you suggest but doing that does get frustrating at times, particularly when we pay a hefty price for what is claimed to be the best appraisal software on earth.

I've read a lot of posts about dissatisfaction with Athena too so a change isn't in the future for me. Maybe the new owners of ACI will send some major imrovements our way one of these days. Wouldn't that be nice?

Yes, I've run into "no one else has told us that one" from tech support too. Some of the staff is very good at solving problems but sometimes it is just easier to find the "work-arounds", live with them, and move on. :(

I'm still adding to my wish list so will hold out a few more days before I post it.

Thanks for your contribution to the ACI User Group.:D
I think we are going to like this site better than the Yahoo based site. Plus in my case I puts the two sites I access the most at the same address.

Thanks Ted. Your thoughts are encouraging. With good input from a number of people we will all come out ahead. Spread the word.
Hi Dave;
been realy busy lately and am visiting this site for the first time, seems like a great idea, so I'll check bye now and again.

Thanks 8)
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