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Senior Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
JUST installed the new version for our two little NWARkansas Counties.

It is wonderful. Rapid growing area so a few new streets not on but locating a close intersection and then moving works fine.

Found that it is best for me to invoke it from the blank map page, then answer the questions.

Someone the other day complained (mentioned is a better word) that service was poor. I HAVE NEVER had a complaint with them-are you sure you got Geolocater?

I really thank YOU ALL (Arkansas expression) for the ACI help in the past and feel this Forum will be even better.

Good Luck.
most often it works fine in my area, but there are some occassions that it's mileage is well out of wack. I just re-calculate from my maps and make changes as I need. Mostly I like and deal with color maps as it is more distinct with the water area's in my location.

As with all software, you have to know more than it.

For some reason it sometimes places locations on the wrong end of the street. By draging it to the correct place it recalculated the distance.

On the new version, when you use the intersection method it still uses the original address. (no one ever caught that on the old version but it was not good)

So far, i have not had to use the WWW feature.

Glad you have that water in Conn. We have water here but some parts of the West are hurting.
ed in arkansas
FYI - if you have Windows ME and you use GEO it is known not to work with that program per GEOLOCATOR representatives. I have to jump back to my windows 95 machine which is networked just to use GEOLOCATOR. OUCH!
to the best of my knowledge, most programs are not up to current productions of microsoft - and are geared to Win 95-98; so unless your doing a lot of other stuff, our software packages are not current. They are more than likely geared for less problems this way though.

Good Luck - 8)
Have new computer with MS-ME

Installed ACI and new updated GEO- ALL work fine.

The other day I did my first 4-plex with it and all sales, rentals, and listing posted just fine with ME.

Had to reinstall APEX the other day. hopefully that ended a problem.

I NEVER upgrade a computer. It is safer and cheaper to buy latest-then install software. That way I have a backup and the time saved trying to put "new wine in old skins" saves me enough to pay for the new computer.

I simply cannot spend a day or two reconfiguring systems. Time is money, why spend it on old stuff.

Feeling sorry for you-ed in arkansas
I purchased geolocater a few weeks ago and finally got it up and running. It is a great program, cuts down on time. I give software high marks if I don't have to read the instructions, Geolocater scores big in that department. I can remember back in the appraisal dark ages, the 80's, when a fellow appraiser and I took down the wall map and held it over the copier to make a map. Things change.

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