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Greatstone News

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Francois K. Gregoire

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Hi All,

Seems appropriate to kick off the NEW Board with a NEWS Story.


GreatStone violated FHA policies, HUD says
The Tampa company can no longer make government-backed loans.
By LOGAN D. MABE, Times Staff Writer
© St. Petersburg Times
published January 15, 2002


The next question is:

Will anyone ever be able to collect their debt from Greatstone? Just where did the slimes :twisted: go?
They've probably allready headed for the Camin's (where is spell check when I need it). or down to mexico or brazil. :evil: :evil:
Isn't the word "EVIL DOERS"? :roll: :twisted: :) By the way, Thank You for you kind thoughts from FHA challanged :oops: . RGAcker

The next question is:

Will anyone ever be able to collect their debt from Greatstone? Just where did the slimes :twisted: go?

Didn't they move across the street and open up under a new name?

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