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Has Anybody Heard from Dow Jones Newswire Reporter ?

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Jan 16, 2002
I received an e-mail from a Dow Jones Newswire reporter, Christine Richard. She is writing a story on lender pressure. She apparently read
the postings from "We Must Start Policing Our Own" (by Quark).

It seems this forum has attracted the attention people who are not

There is a parallel between what is happening on Wall St with the accountants and appraisers.
7/08/02 Wall Street Journal had an editorial about the increasing (bubble) value of homes. Also mentioned lenders using certain appraisers because they hit the numbers (my wording, not WSJ).
There is at least one big difference I see between what is going on with Wall Street and the lender pressure we face everyday. The former is generally seen as "bad" and "illegal", even by the participants...they know they have broken the law. What I see in lender pressure is an ingrained attitude that this is just part of doing business. This attitude is throughout the industry...appraisers and lenders. You either hit the number/ignore the condition or you don't get any work.
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