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Health Insurance

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Junior Member
Feb 18, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I'll be entering the career path as a an appraiser trainee very soon. I'm married with no kids and my wife's Health Insurance Plan, well, s**cks.

I was wondering how to get information re; Health Insurance as an Independant Contractor and how to get the best "bang for the buck" if I need to buy insurance for me and my family.

I'm exploring joining my local Home Builder's Association for membership benifits and insurance benifits, but I was wondering, are there other alternatives?
Depends on you and your situation, however I just have a major medical, Bad points are when you go to doctor there is no co pay I pay all, I pay all for the meds, Basically I pay all till I hit $2,500 for me and my son. Then they pay almost all. Good points is it runs $205.00 month cheaper than HMO, or PPO. Though I do the math $205 x 12 = $2,460.00, year cheaper. Good point is in 2 years my son and I have been basically healthy, I think I have spent about $1,200. in past 2 years. So I am about 3,000+ ahead.

I have used "Celtic" since I started appraising. My policy covers myself and my son. Costs about $200 per month and comes with a $10 office copay and a $20 copay at the pharmacy. My son has had many emergency room visits due to asthma attacks and we have never had a problem with them paying.

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