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Houston!!! He's Gone . . .

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Joe Sloan

Sophomore Member
Feb 17, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I promised I would report when and if "the worst appraiser in the state of Texas" ever goes out of business. I can't say the offending party is completely dead and buried yet, but he is pretty close. He hit every number. He was cheap. His sources are "Appraiser Files" on every comp. He fabricated sales, addresses, photos, dates and topped it off with sloppy work. I have picked up 5 of his clients in the last 3 weeks. The FBI, state of Texas, and FHA didn't get him. Believe it or not the lenders, underwriters, reviewers got together and actually black listed him out of business. It didn't help any when appraisers started charging $400 to review his work.

His fall from the ranks began with Wells Fargo, and didn't stop until even FHA jerked his ticket on May 29, 2002. Seems they were upset about the 34% default rate on his FHA appraisals in Montgomery County. Could be some jail time down the road?

Hurray for clean living, justice and the American way.

Gotta go.

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