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How do I change PDF settings

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Freshman Member
Jan 25, 2002
I need the final PDF pages to come out CLEARER (increasing the size of the PDF files if need be).

Cant find the setting on Acrobat 5.0.0 3/22/2001

Thanks !
Change your printer setttings? I don't know what you mean by Clearer, but what you get is exactly how the sender sends it. Do you mean that it can not be read on your end?
You can set setting in Acrobat making the final PDF image / page clearer, though the file larger. Image not as clear, file smaller.

Cant find where to change it in v. 5.0 (PDF Writer, not Distiller)

Way, way to the left at the top is a minus sign, % for size of image, and then a plus. Is that what you are looking for? About in the middle is a maginifying glass, that also changes the size of what appears on the screen. The actual printing would depend on the printer settings and that would be set in the properties for the printer.
I think I know what you mean - the dpi settings for saving a file? If so, go to Distiller (in Acrobat, it's under Tools, then click Disttiler), Setting, Job Option. Under the General tab, there's a dpi resolution setting, then under the Compression tab, there's more dpi settings. You'll probably just have to play with the settings to find out what works best for you.

Hope this helps!
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