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How Far is too Far for Supervisor Appraiser

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Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
The state of Florida did a Great job of taking one of the dishonest appraisers in our area off the street, So I thought. Less than 30 days ago we got the news that his license was suspended. I am sure some of you read about that day here on the forum. But today I am sadden, to read that so far the best I can see that 8 of his trainees, have the same new Supervisor. Do not get me wrong I was, as I am sure all the rest of are happy they found a new Supervisor, with hopes that that they learn to be good honest appraisers. But the supervisor they found is 274.5 miles South of Jacksonville (per yahoo maps). So you can guess; what is going on. I would hope I am wrong, but I am worried i am right. I can not see how these Trainees can learn to be good, honest appraisers, with the person who should be over seeing them that far away. Does anyone on this forum, believe that it is possible to properly train with this much distance between Trainees and Supervisor.

Thanks for your time reading, I need a few drinks

Yep. Tis true!

Not only that, the new supervisor has 22 trainees listed under his name.

Hmmmmm, seems like all an officer/investigator of the Board would have to do is walk in to the trainees address (bet they are all working out of the old supervisors offices) and ask for copies of some of the files. Look for files where the 'supervisor' signed that they had inspected the property.

At the same time, another investigator is in the supervisor's office 275 miles away looking at files there for that same date.

Let's see.... 22 trainees all over the state..... how many places could that supervisor have been on a given day????

I'm so sick of this that I would like to see the new supervisor plus ALL of the trainees lose their licenses for fraud. They both are signing some of them and they ALL know that what they are doing is FRAUD. This kind of operation would be so easy to catch and end. If only someone with the authority to do so would.

We have a GREAT Board. Where is the back up??????
Another question is how many trainees are acceptable. I think the FL board took great excetpion that he had 11 under his wing. But there is no law to say what the exact number is. Another touch of grey by USPAP.

Let me venture to guess what has happened. they hired this guy to be the new supervisior at the same company where the old super now the owner lost his status. Logically he may have moved or may be moving to Jacksonville to assume the position. If not there are going to be more problems. Hey he offered 15k to keep his license I wonder how much it cost to get the new supervisior. If that is the case they didn't put him out of business after all.
Hey Dale,

I think that new supervisor lives near you!

He already had 13 trainees from all over the state BEFORE the 9 new ones from the Jacksonville office. This is a matter of public record in www.myflorida.com. Supervisors name is C Lane Griffin.
My two cents worth.......

I think supervisors should have to take classes and pass tests on supervising trainees/interns.

I think trainees/interns should be assigned to a certified/licensed appraiser for a minimum of 6 months to follow them around, do research, verify comps and hold the dumb end of the tape measure before they are allowed to perform their first appraisal.

I think that supervisors should have no more than one trainee who's in that initial 6 month period and maybe one more who's a bit more independant. It's not physically or mentally possible to really keep track of more than that and do a thorough job with either. That assumes that the supervisor is still actively appraising -- don't know how you can keep current in the market without actively analysing it and doing appraisals.

Well! At least now that's off my chest!! What's so hard to believe about all of this is that Steve and Tom and David are being persecuted while outright fraud goes unchecked. Hopefully Frank will have the support and backup from the state to nail these *&%^*&%'s!!
Wow Pam that is amazing.

Definately not from South FL only good ethical appraisers down here. He must be a Gator.
About a year ago, there was debate on this forum concerning appraisal mills and areas covered. I was opposed to "out of town" appraisers coming into areas they are not familar with. Somebody argued that since your licensed in the state, what's the problem. Well, this Florida example illustrates the exact problem. There is no way possible that a single person can be competent in such a wide area with so many sub-markets, etc, let alone supervise so many people. When I was acting as a "supervisor" (many years ago), I could barely manage 2 to 3 of them
and that required more than full time attention (13 hour days were "normal" then), and we coverning 2 counties (15 mile radius from our office). It should be obvious to all that this practice needs to be stopped.
Perhaps a law should be passed at the federal level to limit the number of trainees, and how closely they must be supervised. :x
Ah, more regulations. :roll:
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