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Interflood Flood Maps - Are you satisfied???

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Jan 25, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
South Carolina
I am looking into purchasing Interflood online info. Are you satisfied with their service, or should we just stick with the old maps??? Thanks
I think its great. I like not messing with maps and searching CD's.
dittos. I've used it for 2 or 3 months and am very well pleased with it. Nothings perfect, tho. I like the flood maps and also like the feature of providing the census tract number.
Well worth the time it saves, Sometimes you might have to move around the map to find the location, But it is great not to have to get up look at county map then find the map were subject is, great time saver. Even better when subject is in flood zone you can easily put map in report to print or EDI. Comes in handy for reviews to show report had wrong map, just put it in review.
It is well worth the money. Eliminates those oversized maps and playing cut and paste.

I subscribed about 3 months ago, and the map I need is available only about 75% of the time, so I still have to go to the paper maps. Our southern county just converted to 911 addresses a little over a year ago, but I would think Interflood would have been on top of it. I looked up one yesterday and the road has been named for 20 or more years and it appears on our state map (Jimtown Road). Interflood never heard of it. So, while it's nice sometimes, I don't think I'll subscribe again. I threw away money or Geolocator, too. It's totally useless for us.

That's the same reason I won't subscribe. Rural roads here sometimes have three different names if you look on three different maps. Also, some counties have only started using 911 addresses for a year or two, and I don't think they would all be on the system. I know my paper maps are old-fashioned, but I can see where the property is for sure, I scan the map with the panel number, and I know I am covered. And it really only takes about two minutes to locate the map if you have them filed properly.
I am one of those not satisfied.

For the rural areas, the address is never found, so what you can do is find the nearest town on the map and county sections, like say if it is five miles west of town and two miles north you can use the arrows to arrow over - section by section. This takes awhile but is the only way to do it on rural properties.

Also, I have tried to pull up many addresses in towns, cities where I know exactly where the house is, it comes up a block or more off. It looks to me like Interflood uses Microsoft's Steets software to find the properties. We all know that Microsoft Streets doesnt always have the exact address so that should be the first clue. Give it a few years and maybe this will all shake out better, but for now I think the $99 or $199 (whatever it was) is a waste.

takes about two minutes to locate the map if you have them filed properly.

:lol: Nope, 30 seconds! :lol:

FYI all you paper map hoarders: the paper (inexpensive) Brown Magazine Organizers found at OfficeMax/OfficeDepot/Staples etc happen to very nicely contain Flood Maps in a vertical storage format... writing the panel at the top right corner of each map makes it fast to rifle to the correct panel, and Manilla file folders can neatly seperate citys within each county...

8 counties neatly labled and stored in this manner take up a whopping 15 inches of lateral shelf space!

Anyone caught not refiling a map buys dinner for the office :twisted:

I eat out a LOT!
O.K. LeAnn......while we're at it... I file my flood maps in 8'' x 24'' plastic flower boxes, the nice sturdy gray ones. They sit on the end of a work table, and 2 of them hold all the counties we work in. So, there :lol:
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