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Is everyone busy? Not much activity on the TN threads lately.

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Elite Member
Feb 18, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Just wanted to know if everyone is really busy or are you just tired of posting on the forum? How's business and what's going on will all of you?
Scott, i kind of stopped posting because everyone else did!
Im staying busy, still doing a lot of foreclosure work, plus a lot of FHA refis.

I got busy after getting back of vacation back in Jan. and I haven't been able to ketch up. Most of my work is FHA too with a few REOs mixed in as well as a few conventional appraisals.
busy busy. I've actually started doing a few more conventional re-fi's lately (I thought that they had dissappeared for a while). Still doing a lot of FHA's, a few REO, and an occassional drive-by or field review.
busy busy. I've actually started doing a few more conventional re-fi's lately (I thought that they had dissappeared for a while). Still doing a lot of FHA's, a few REO, and an occassional drive-by or field review.

I figured you must have been busy seen as though you havent called me in over 6 months.

Scott doing OK here, considering how high our unemployment is. I would be doing great, but lost a client that has paid me $15,000 to $50,000 a year over the last 8 or so years to an Appraisal Management Company. They called me up and told me client wanted me on their preferred appraiser list. I haven't called them back. Been over a month. After reading posts regarding them, they are an *** of an AMC.
Willie, who is the AMC. I provide reports for two AMC's and im sure that both Scott and Thern do as well. One of them pays me a full fee, (other is $10 less than full fee) doesnt hassle me, and gives me a decent amount of time to complete the report. That same AMC have been lambasted on the forum by a couple of people who claim them to be garbage and only pay $190 per 1004.
Im sure you gave us a clue when you said "an *** of an AMC" but im not smart enough to work it out!

The rep said something about $200 when I'm used to $350, and that was about all I needed to hear.
yeah, $200 sucks and is not worth your time. I lost a good client last year, they went with LSI, i didnt even bother. That client had been with me since 2003, their corporate office mandated that they use an AMC.
Busy lately

There was a slow down for me about a month ago, but it has picked up this month with the low interest rates.
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