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is it worth $600 more???

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Rick Hess

Sophomore Member
Feb 6, 2002

Is there $600 more "value" in the Platinum edition of wintotal over the Gold edition? Starting out, should I buy top end, or spend my money elsewhere???


Follow the Yellow Brick Road
There are MANY other software vendors who charge MUCH less and dont "nickel and dime" you after purchase. Its only an appraisal why get stuck with more then you need? Shop around my 2cents.
:) You Wintotal users crack my up! I quit a job 3 years ago because my "boss" insisted on me using Wintotal! My 2 cents worth!
If you're just starting out, it may be tough to justify any additional costs to what you are already shelling out. However, the top of the line service level will give you an idea of the best that's available and you can change to something less than that if you decide you don't need all the bells and whistles. If you feel as Bemis does, that it's "only an appraisal", you may need only the minimum product on the market, or, indeed no software at all. Of course, he makes a very good point about shopping around.

Just as with your other business decisions, do your research (like asking this forum!), put the pencil to work to see if the cost might justify the return on your investment and go with your analysis. Time is the only thing that will tell you if you made the right decision.

If you are not going to use the available features, then a full blown system is not very economical. If you, like me, are slowly reducing the mortgage appraising and increasing the narrative reporting, a pretty bare bones product is good enough. My goal is to drop my Toolbox support after next year and to eliminate form appraisals from my business by 2004. By that time I should be in the market for a new computer and will load WinSketch and WordPerfect 1X (whatever it there) and other than graphics programs will have no specialized programs.
Check out HighPerForm.. www.unitedsystems.com

We use it exclusively and I like it a lot.. seems reasonably reliable as long as you are transferring files between different versions of it. Looks much more affordable to me than WinTotal.
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