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Just Curious

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Tim Hicks (Texas)

Elite Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 15, 2002
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Certified Residential Appraiser
I appraise many homes for FHA in this area and flaking and chipped paint is a big issue on many home sales. I was just wondering how it is handled up north. Do they have to wait six months for it to be warm enough to scrape and paint before they close? Down here, we only get stretches of two weeks or so where we don't get days up to 60-70 degrees. I know, we're spoiled, but those 100+ days in the summer can get to you.
I do V.A. appraisals here in Delaware, which is not really North, North, but we've had some winters quite a bit colder than this year. I have found that many Realtors/Buyers/Sellers try to use the scrape/paint requirement as an excuse to escrow, as they do for grading/seeding and installation of macadam drives. For the most part, I make the ruling about scraping/painting and stick to it. So, they either get with the program on any given "warmer" day, or plan ahead and get that stuff done ahead of time (hopefully they got a good Realtor to inform them about Government Loan requirements). Now with macadam drives and new construction, the hot mix plants shut down in early January. So with drives and grade/seeding, I'm a little more flexible. In Delaware, if you don't like the weather today, hang around until tomorrow and it will all change. :lol:
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