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Just starting out

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Freshman Member
Jun 10, 2002
Professional Status
Licensed Appraiser
Well, I am depressed. I am just starting out as a trainee. I have been working with my supervisor--tagging along--for about two months. I cannot find any clients. I have been marketing for about two months, and have had no bites. My supervisor is not passing any work my way. What should I do? I hate reading that this business is on the downhill swing, because I know it is something I would really like doing. But, obviously, I can't work if I don't have clients. Any suggestions out there from you pros???
Go over to the Newbie/Appraiser Wannabe forum on this site for more help. There are alot of people over there that do not even have a mentor. My suggestion is to go to work for an Appraisal Management Company as a Staff Appraiser and do your time to get your license. The pay sucks but it is better than nothing. It is unlikly that any lender would accept an appraisal from a trainee and would require it to be signed off by someone on their approval list.
Good Luck
As bad as I hate to say it contact some of the AVM's. Their always looking for quick turnaround and in your situation you can provide that. From there it will grow. Look outside the local banks as they are most probably already secure with their preferred appraiser. During this past refi boom new appraisers have come out of the wood work as they see the big $. Now that things may slow down somewhat some of these folks will starve out. If you are presistent the business will come.

God its been a long day! Soory I meant to say AMC's not AVM's. I've got to have a vacation before I have a breakdown. AMC's like ATM, Atlantic Assurance, LSI, ValueIT, etc. These folks are pushy but if your looking for work and can provide quick turnaround this may just help you get started.

I was hoping I could get the second reply in before some one else posted. :oops: You guys watch this place like a hawk. :D Man I feel like an idiot.

Don't worry Bryan, we're all idiots on this bus !..............and, there are the really smart and knowledgable guys in the trade too.
Thanks for the advice!! I have checked out some of the AMC's on Appraiser Depot. Any tips on who's good, who's bad??? I will try this to get some work.

After reading this forum, it seems that a lot of you suggest that these are the exact people taking work from us. Is this true?

Also, is this business really going downhill? I hope not, as I really enjoy it. I'm not in it for big bucks, I'm doing it because I can work from home and I like what I'm doing.
Like anything in life there are good and bad AMC's. I remember when I was in your position 4-5 years ago and did not have a clear and complete picture of the appraisal industry, and I still don't, but what you need before anyone is going to order an appraisal from you is a License and experiance. You can only get that with a job. What I mean is you need to work for someone else. AMC's provide an oppourtunity for you to get the experiance, hours and license in a reasonable period of time because there typical model is high volume low fee. Working for a one man/woman or small shop cannot provide you with this kind of volume. Most appraisers here will tell you that you cannot appraise part time if you are serious about building your own shop. You might be able to do it but most AMC's want your undivided attention, after all (Asa staff appraiser) they are paying your fee, E&O, taxes, insurance, Lic. costs, etc. knowing that eventually you will leave and become their competition. They are not all evil, after all many of them were started by appraisers just like you and me.
Good luck,

Oh yeah, what part of the country are you in?
So, are you saying that I should find a job as a staff appraiser, or get work from the AMCs? I live in Indiana. To be honest, I don't even know where I could find work as a staff appraiser.

I've been diligently marketing myself to the mortgage companies, but find that most lenders are comfortable with who they are using. I'm just trying to get my foot in the door with someone. It's so frustrating!!
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