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Kodak DC215 camera

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David Mullen

Junior Member
Jan 17, 2002
A friend wants to get her first digital camera and is thinking of a Kodak DC215.

Does this camera have a viewfinder or do you have to look at the screen on the rear of the camera?

She will probably have to buy it on line since she has not found one in stock in town so she will not know about that until she gets the camera.

Also, does this seem like a good choice since she does not want to spend much money? Thanks

Suggest she should check out eBay, after checking local prices and also B&H Camera, Keh camera brokers, etc.
The DC 215 is a pretty good choice..never let me down as long as I had batteries. Get the Nimh's and charger immediately!I bought mine bundled with Alamode Wintotal Olympus 2 years ago. You do not have to look at the screen, which is probably just as well because you won't see much in the light of day anyway. The battery tray broke quick and there was a backorder problem, however it was replaced free and no other trouble there since. The rubber pieces are wearing off going in and out of the case. The zoom is pretty accurate, you can actually cut off stuff in the viewfinder and still have it on the screen. My zoom has gotten a little sticky lately, but with what the camera has given me over the past two years, I'm pretty satisfied. There are more sophisticated expensive cameras, but having a 64 meg memory card holding 973 images in the low res mode means never having to say you need more digital film! Check out alamode and see if they are running any hardware specials.
I found my DC215 on sale at kodak.com three months ago for $199. Check Kodak's website first, not only check prices but get complete info on the camera. My only problem is sun spots--I shade the camera with my hand or a clipboard but still have sun spots with the low winter sun here in Arizona. Any suggestions?
I never tried the Kodak, but I just bought a Nikon Coolpix 775 ($399.00). I was on the job my old camera gave a last sigh and died. Had to by a camera immediately and i chose the '775'. It is small enough to fit in a shirt pocket. Slightly thicker than a pack of cigarettes. Uses compact flash card. Has a lithium battery and it comes with a battery charger. So far I really like it and it is easy to use. The battery has lasted about 125 pictures and has not needed recharging. It has a 'shaky hand' sensor sp as an experiment I took some pictures of road signs and houses (through the windshield) doing about 40-45 MPH. All pictures turned out clear...I could even read the lettering on the signs. The camera also has accessory lenses you can get (2x telephoto converter - $150; wide angle converter - $150). I just looked the lenses up on the nikonusa.com web page this a.m., think I'll buy the wide angle and give it a try...might be good for interior photos and those photos where the house is real close to the street.

Before buying a DC215, check out the Kodak DC5000 (2 megapixals). Just saw one advertised one the web for $217 + shipping. (Check My Simon) This was $600 camera 6 months ago when the price stated to fall. It is a much more substantial than the DC215 and water resistant. Just as easy to use as the DC 215. Mine is working just great. It has some heft to it with good grips on both sides of the body. This IMNSHO, is a better camera.
I own the DC 4800 and have owned the DC 205 in the past. If you are willing to spend more you get a zoom, light balance adjustments, an excellent led screen, pop up flash etc... It is more like a SLR in a compact body than anything I have used and the lithium battery lasts a long time. I love this camera!
One nice thing about the DC215 is that you can slip it in your pocket. I have a couple of them (one I dropped on pavement and had re-built by Kodak). They do use a lot of batteries, but I really like the size.
I love the 4800 with its wide range of speeds. took some pics in a completely black basement with the flash and god very good results.

If you are not too techincal, I would get the DC5000, and Kodak will back it even if you buy it from a third party. If you dropit, they will send you another for shipping. can't beat that.
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