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Look at the number of views for Bath and Attic

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Ben Vukicevich SRA

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
New Jersey
So over 1/3 of you FHA viewers don't care about the attic???? More people have viewed the bath and the exterior inspection posts than the attic post?

Oh boy. Your gonna get gripped by FHA. Are you even looking in the attic?

I ALWAYS do. I do know that many others here do not. I have an expandable ladder in my trunk and use it! If I think the roof really does need to be replaced, I'll get up on my ladder, take a picture of it, include it in the report plus call for the professional inspection. This stops the Realtors from getting their favorite roofing liar to say it's OK.

I recently did an FHA review where the appraiser stated that the insulation was UNKNOWN.

Buyer moves in , guess what: Attic FULL of RATS!

OOOOh - That would have scared me - better put UNKNOWN!

What if there had been a SNAKE under the house!

What I meant to say in responding: I keep saying and saying and saying this...
If you get more comments and more folks are 'watching' you get more hits on the counter.... I know I blip over to see who said what and account for more than a few views on many popular topics...

and then the irrelevent:
I will be honest in that my looking is occasionally limited to standing at the top of a ladder and running my camera at arms length around the 'view'... some accesses exceed my ladder height/comfort level! I also indicate in my report what my 'looking' entailed: but I always 'LOOK'.

I have run across a few too many smoked and partially burned 'remodeled to a T' on the interior homes... some of which had attics with only part of the wood left!!!

Our local building inspection is sometimes a little (!) inadequate...
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