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Looking for employment in Las Vegas. Have License!

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Junior Member
Aug 28, 2006
Professional Status
Licensed Appraiser
I just moved from Virginia to Las Vegas. I have been a licensed appraiser in Virginia for ~7 years and am getting my Nevada License this week.

I have not appraised any homes in over a year due to a new business that I started. Now the new business runs itself and I want to appraise again. Even though I have my License, I am unfamiliar with the Las Vegas Area and probably need to be refreshed and do some hands on work or shadow someone to be refreshed.

If you are interested in helping me out or are looking for another appraiser in your office please let me know. If your not looking for an appraiser and could help me out I would compensate you by typing reports, office work or $Cash$... :clapping:

Also, I use ACI... But have used a la mode (Wintotal) Before...

Please give me a call at 757-831-6234 or email me at joeyellington@gmail.com

Was it hard to get the Nevada License? and how was the test?
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