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Major Lenders Listing???

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Junior Member
Mar 5, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
:D I have been trying to locate a listing of the major mortage lenders. I am trying to get on more "approved appraiser" lists so I can beef up my client list for marketing purposes and hopefully future work....

Many of the lenders I called today told me that they no longer have an approved list. Just send in license and E&O with appraisal. (Though one did say they has a "Do not use" list...I did have them check :roll: ...I am not on it. :D :D )

Does anyone know of a current listing of lenders available on the internet? I would be interested in how other apprasiers are handling this issue also.

Thanks, :D
Patti in Chino Valley, Arizona
The "do not use list" should be called what it really is, a blacklist. That is for the people that don't make value just once.

I go into switchboard.com and select real estate loans, then select the city I want to market in, that brings up a lot of them. Of course you will get every crook in the book.

BB in Texas
I know that not all areas are the same, and that our industry has undergone significant changes, but I believe that your time is better spent meeting, not mailing lenders.

Banks and mortgage companies get hundreds/thousands of mailings, and most wind up at the bottom of someone's drawer.

Going through all the paperwork necessary to be placed on an approved appraiser list is nice, but being on the list does not mean that they will call you.

In my experience, the people who place the orders call either (1) appraisers they know and are comfortable with, or (2) appraisers their Boss tells them to call.

Believe it or not, my experience has shown that instead of spending eight hours filling out forms, spend those eight hours trying to meet one or two people face to face. Leads? Ask local realtors which lenders they use and ask for a NAME. Call that person, ask Who is the person who is in charge of placing/directing orders. Then try to get a meeting with THAT person.

Alternately, join Rotary, call any Lawyer friends, anyone who has a friend at a bank or mortgage company, and work on those names first. A good introduction or reference is worth twenty approved lists.
Anybody else think it would be a good idea to start a thread for each of us to list our GOOD clients instead of just the bad ones?
Anybody else think it would be a good idea to start a thread for each of us to list our GOOD clients instead of just the bad ones?

Do you want to give all your clients names out to you competition?? I think you list is a good idea but I for one am not sure I want to post my good clients for the my competion and all the number hitters to see.
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